Monthly Archives: March 2010

Black At Duke, Or Maybe Not

Let’s begin…

So I was watching the NCAA Basketball Tournament this past weekend. There were good games and one great game (Xavier v. Kansas State). I was watching Duke v. Baylor because I love basketball, and I wanted to see Duke play what I consider to be, a good team. While I was watching the game I took special note to the lack of black starters at Duke (I assume it been like that for a while. I guess I just didn’t notice, because usually they’re at home during this time of year). I feel they will continue to have a limited number of black elite black players because of the one and done rule and because of how they have destroyed the ACC. With that being said, it didn’t bother me in the least. I love coach K, and I think Duke has a great program.

    Now after the game I was talking with a friend of mind, and we started talking about the lack of black starters at Duke. He presented the point that Coach Krzyzewski may be even prejudice towards black players. So, for the sake of an argument I presented the other side of the argument. And to my surprise the more I played devil’s advocate I actually began to believe Duke has had historically more good black players than I originally thought. At one point the argument was made that,

“Well if Georgetown can get black players into their school, why can’t Duke get them in?”

Now I totally agree. I do think that they could get more black players in. However, after thinking about it for a while, I replied,

“Where are all the good black Georgetown players that had great careers, because I don’t see them?”

If you just think about the black players that have attended both schools, I have to give Duke the edge for having better players and more success. Let’s just think objectively about the schools head to head.

  • Georgetown has 2 Hall of Famers in: Allen Iverson and Patrick Ewing. The other notable players Dikembe Mutombo, Alonzo Mourning. 1.
  • Duke has no Hall of Famers in my opinion. Their notable players are: Grant Hill, Shane Battier, Carlos Boozer, Chris Duhon, Luol Deng, Corey Maggette, and Elton Brand. 2.

So, when you consider those colleges head to head (which are seen as virtual equals academically) the disparity isn’t that much. I would actually argue that Duke has the upper hand, and would question why Georgetown can’t get better players. I will say lately there have been less of those players, and as I said earlier they should be able to get more black players in their school.


If I missed any player please let me know.


1. Roy Hibbert, Jeff Green, Jahidi White, Othella Harrington

2. Dahntay Jones, Daniel Ewing, Shelden Williams, Jason Williams


-Kortney Shane

Comedian (Maybe a writer)


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Watch Out University of Washington Basketball

Lets Begin…
I have to start this by saying I live in Seattle Washington, so I have to write something about the University of Washington (pronounced you Dub) Basketball team (if I didn’t I would act like they didn’t exist, like I have been all year).
Now people in Seattle are semi/kinda/sort-of/apprehensively excited about the fact that Washington has made it to the Sweet Sixteen(in Seattle that means they’re excited, but they can feel the usual seattle heartbreak around the corner. I’m familiar with this feeling somewhat, because my birth place is Cleveland Ohio. The difference in Cleveland is we go all in emotionally, knowing that are heart will be broken). No I must first issue a disclaimer, I had Washington losing in the first round of the Tournament. I didn’t think they would play well. I thought the Pac-10 was terrible with no good teams. However, they do have a couple pro players (pro players don’t mean NBA players. Relax Seattle.) and a good coach. So maybe I should have seen it coming. I underestimated them, so my apologies to Seattle. My bad, and Washington definitely has a chance to make it to the Elite 8.
But hold on (Lee Corse of ESPN game day would say, “Not so fast my friend”). I had to ask myself, “Who did they beat?”
  • They beat Marquette. A team that lost in the second round of the Big East Tournament, and beat no…I mean zero good teams since January.
  • And they beat New Mexico. A team that was okay, but over there skis after winning a game in the Tournament. They also played in a terrible league. Quick name their conference. Quick, quick…Mountain West Conference.

“Well Washington won a lot of games, and the Pac 10 Tourney.” They were the best in a bad conference. They played 2 good teams all year. The beat Texas A&M, and got beat down by Georgetown. They’re not a good team, just like I originally thought.

So I predict that Washington will get the doors blown off them tomorrow, or tonight depending on when you read this (at this time Lee Corso would grab his West Virginia Mountaineer gear, and shoot a gun).

-Kortney Shane

Comedian (maybe a writer)

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Posted by on March 25, 2010 in Basketball


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Health Care, do you like it? “I do. I don’t. This may turn out bad or good.”

Let’s begin…

So, Obama now has something we can identify with the presidency. Every president has something we can indentify with them (at least the memorable ones and all the good ones).

  • Bush had the war
  • Clinton had infidelity
  • Regan had Reganomics
  • Nixon had Watergate

Now Obama can add his name to this list with healthcare.

I read as mush on the healthcare bill in the last 2 days that I could find. I see that both the Democrats and Republicans wanted a plan. However, they disagreed on the execution. There are some things I don’t like about what I read.

  • You must have a healthcare plan and if you decline you will pay a fee (except for some financial exceptions).
  • There is no detail on what the plans will be, how much they will cost, and where exactly the coverage is coming from.

That’s really the only negative things I see in regard to the bill. I don’t like when people impose things, with no alternative. I hear all these people defending it. The most common argument is that you have to pay for certain things, “Well it’s like car insurance. They make you get car insurance.”

Yeah, but no one makes you buy a car. You get to decide whether that’s something you want first. Then if you decide that’s what you want to do, insurance is part of what you pay. I’m okay with that, because you have an option. I guess you could leave the county, but oh yeah; you need to be approved to leave by America. Because God forbid you had a good time somewhere else.

With that being said, I like America’s stand on most issues, and even most of the issues in the bill. I do like that you can’t be refused for preexisting conditions, you can stay on your parents insurance until 26, and companies with over 50 employees must now provide healthcare to workers (This slams my favorite fast food restaurants and Wal-Mart, good for them).

So if this goes well Obama gets 4 more years. If not I saw a house in Chicago he can move into.


-Kortney Shane

Comedian (Maybe a writer)

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Posted by on March 25, 2010 in Pop-Culture


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NCAA Tournament 2010. I break it all down, and it may surprise you.

Let’s begin…

So there is no college basketball ranking list this week. Why you ask me; because the college basketball regular season is over, and the NCAA Tournament is upon us. So, now that all the critics have reacted to the field I’m going to give you the real break down. No emotions just what I think.

So, obviously everyone on ESPN (Big ups by the way, like they need it. I actually need it, so big ups to me) and every other sports channel, has been talking about how Kansas got the toughest bracket and Duke got the easiest bracket (which is true. Conspiracy theorist will emerge against Duke, and they should. I would be a conspiracy theorist, but I enjoy reality). But let me say this…Duke is so bad it will not matter. They’re not getting past the first weekend. I think this will be a testament to how bad the basketball players at that school are (I’m sure some of not all of them are great human beings, but that’s not what wins games, ball players do. Note: See The University of Miami in the 90s.). Duke just doesn’t have players.


Keep your eye on this:

  • Watch Georgetown, they have the ability to keep up with any team. They can match the pace of any team, and they have the outside shooting to compete.
  • Watch Baylor and Louisville, I really like them, especially in that soft bracket. Either could get to the Final Four.
  • Keep your eye on Washington. They have NBA players. The Pac-10 was bad, but I got a feeling (of course I do live in Seattle, and I just ate some chili). They may not win a game however, because Marquette has been beating tough teams all year.



  • I’m surprised Virginia Tech’s Seth Greenberg, has the nerve to complain. Dude, you played a terrible schedule, and you still got left out in one of the weakest fields ever. I really think he complains to keep his job, after missing the tournament every year. Be happy you even got in the NIT.
  • I’m shocked Villanova was a number 2 seed, but if not them who? I guess I agree with that decision.


Best Possible games in order:

  1. Ohio State v. Georgetown, I love this match up and believe it will happen.
  2. Kentucky v. Kansas, the amount of NBA players on the floor would be ridiculous.
  3. Kentucky v. West Virginia, What will young Kentucky does with the Big East Champ?


Final Four and the big winner:

The Final Four will be Louisville, Kentucky, Syracuse, and Kansas.


The winner will be Syracuse. I believe they have had the best team all year. I also believe they have the second best coach in the tournament (the best coach has a bad team. You figure out who that is??).


So that’s what I think will happen, and with all that being said. I could be completely wrong, but that’s the best thing about sports (However, I’m not wrong about Virginia Tech. They are terrible.)


-Kortney Shane

Comedian (Maybe a writer)

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Posted by on March 18, 2010 in Basketball, Sports


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Female Football Coach, That Has A Nice Ring To It

Let’s begin…

So recently there was a woman hired as a high school football coach in Washington, D.C.

When I first heard the story I was astonished. For two reasons, first I didn’t think that a woman would even want to be a football coach. I know everyone likes football, but I just wouldn’t think a woman would want to coach men in such a violent sport. The other thing I thought is how would a woman relate to boys in that type of arena (You can now begin your emails).

Once I came to terms with the fact that she was elected to coach, and was qualified to do so, I thought it was a great story. The fact that a school board would be so objective that they would not only consider a woman, but hire a woman is great. I’m rooting for her, and I hope things go well. Maybe I will take that back. I hope she is successful, but I don’t want her to do too well. Because I know their going to make a movie out of it, and Jenifer Lopez will play the coach. Then the kids will make sexual advances, and out of nowhere Samuel L. Jackson will show up, and start screaming. That’s just a movie I could do without. On the other hand maybe Meryl Streep will play the coach, and I would play a kid on the team. In that case4 I hope they make a movie. This is definitely all fantasy, because the lady is black, which means J-Lo and Streep won’t work, and the best player on the team will probably be a white guy. I will just have to wait for The Blind Side 2.

-Kortney Shane

Comedian (Maybe a writer)

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Posted by on March 14, 2010 in Football



Lakers, We May Have a Problem

Let’s begin…

First I want to say in full disclaimer, I am a Cleveland Cavaliers fan. Let me pose a question??

I’m starting to hear whispers on dissention in L.A in regard to the Lakers. There were reports that Gasol and Kobe, don’t have the “buddy, buddy” relationship that the media has wanted us to believe all season (Kind of reminds me of the Kobe v. Shaq beef). Gasol even came out publicly and said the ball wasn’t moving enough on offense (that means Kobe is shooting too much).

Then I watch the game Sunday, and Ron Artest had words and colors all in his head, Ron coloring his hair is not the problem. If you want to color it, by all means color it. However, when you start doing things that you don’t normally do, to create a spark. I can only conclude one thing…Desperation.

Now on top of the Kobe v. Gasol, Ron and the Desperation, you still have a basketball problem. Derrick Fisher still can’t guard anybody (I know everyone is surprised. You thought he would be better this year. Where is Mateen Cleaves when you need him)? When I look at all these things together, it sounds like a recipe for a downfall (I think that’s me hoping. Did I say I was a Cavs fan)?

I will be keeping my eye on this, and maybe you should too.

-Kortney Shane

Comedian (Maybe a writer)

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Posted by on March 13, 2010 in Basketball


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I Have Decided to Move

Let’s begin…

Well there comes a time in everyone’s life when they have to make a move. I have decided that I have to make a move for the better. I have decided that I am moving my blog from BlogSpot to (drum roll please) word press. I have studied both hosting sites, and have decided that word press offers more of what I wan to do.

As far as my blogs go nothing will change there will be the some content, and voice(is that the same as content? I’m not sure). Only thing that will change is if you are now subscribe to my blog on Blogspot, you will no longer get updates. You should now subscribe to:

Thanks and have a nice day.

-Kortney Shane

Comedian (Maybe a writer)

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Posted by on March 11, 2010 in About Me


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How bad did it Hurt. After the Oscars 2010

Let’s begin…

So, last night was the Academy awards, and The Hurt Locker was the big winner. I won in the categories that most people see as the bench make for movie of the year (Best Picture and Best Director). It also beat out Avatar, which is the highest grossing movie ever. Some see the decision as controversial and maybe even sense some foul play. Some feel it was a sentimental pick, because of the director because she is the first female to win such an award (by the way, what is a Hurt Locker?? Someone please tell me). That’s the issue I want to address.

I over heard a woman say,
“Man it’s so great that a woman won.”

Then I went online, and that was the leading story.

It sounds good, but should that be the story? I don’t know, and I don’t even think I care. However, that is the story. You always hear about people wanting the nation to change, and when will these types of celebrations stop. I don’t know that it will ever go away. There will always be a first to do something in any culture, city, or country, so it’s not going away.
The only thing that could possibly go away is the admiration for these types of stories (don’t think that will happen as long as newspapers are selling columns. On second thought, it will definitely happen because newspapers are on life support with a DNR).

Personally I’m indifferent to the story, as long as everything is judge by the same standards. I could care less about press coverage. So, if The Hurt Locker was the best, it should have won regardless of director. Now the fact that the director was a woman is a story. One can argue that it’s inspirational, but it’s still a story. No more and no less.

By the way, The Hurt Locker was better than Avatar. Maybe the bitter Ex should have directed both of them?

-Kortney Shane
Comedian (Maybe a writer)

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Posted by on March 9, 2010 in Pop-Culture


NCAA College Basketball Top 15, as of 3.7.10

Let’s begin…
So it’s the weekend, and it’s time to release my list of the top college basketball teams.
So here is my list.

My Top Teams

1. Kansas
2. Kentucky
3. West Virginia
4. Syracuse
5. Ohio State
6. Kansas State
7. Vanderbilt
8. Villanova
9. Duke
10. Pittsburgh
11. Butler
12. Tennessee
13. Gonzaga
14. New Mexico
15. BYU

Top 15

1. Kansas
2. Kentucky
3. Ohio State
4. West Virginia
5. Syracuse
6. Vanderbilt
7. Purdue
8. Pittsburgh
9. Kansas State
10. Vanderbilt
11. Tennessee
12. New Mexico
13. BYU
14. Gonzaga
15. Butler

So the most notable thing about this week’s list is that Georgetown has fell out of both list. I think they are good and can beat anyone. The problem is they get beat by anyone, so I have to drop them out.

Despite Duke losing I still have them in the middle of the pack. Though they’re not elite this year. They bring their A game every night, and that’s something I can get behind.

I love the way the Tennessee Vols’ play

Thanks for reading, and feel free to comment.

-Kortney Shane
Comedian (Maybe a writer)


NCAA Tournament Expansion? I think not

Let’s begin…

Oh there’s been so much on my mind as far as sports go, but I guess I’ll have to settle for this: NCAA Tournament Expansion. They want to expand the NCAA Tournament. Now there are 3 types of people that want to expand the tournament.

1. Coaches: So they can try to keep their jobs.
2. The NCAA: They want to make more money
3. The fans that have teams that aren’t that good.

The one thing that all of these people have in common, is that none of them want to help the tournament become better. I think if you change something that is already great. You should only change it to make it even better. The tournament is great like it is. There are 65 teams that get an opportunity to participate, and about 5 of them in any given year have a chance to win a title.

The only reason the tournament will be expanded (and it will be) is for the money. The NCAA is consumed with making as much money as they can while making sure they limit the people that are making the money, from making money (Players Won’t Get Paid).
• That’s why players don’t get paid
• That’s why they’ll expand
• This is why College Football will keep the BCS.

-Kortney Shane
Comedian (Maybe a writer)